Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy

By using the website and/or registering yourself at Pesabazaar.com you authorize us, our affiliates & our associate partners to contact you via email or phone call or sms and offer you their services for the product you have opted for, imparting product knowledge, offer promotional offers running on website & offers offered by the associated third parties, for which reasons, as well as web aggregation, personally identifiable information may be collected as detailed below. This Privacy Policy covers Pesabazaar.com‘s treatment of personally identifiable information that Pesabazaar.com collects when you are on the Pesabazaar.com site, and when you use Pesabazaar.com services. This policy also covers Pesabazaar.com‘s treatment of any personally identifiable information that Pesabazaar.com‘s business partners share with Pesabazaar.com. This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that Pesabazaar.com does not own or control or to people that Pesabazaar.com does not employ or manage. Pesabazaar.com collects personally identifiable information when you register for a Pesabazaar.com account, when you use certain Pesabazaar.com products or services, when you visit Pesabazaar.com pages, and when you enter promotions or sweepstakes.

Pesabazaar.com may also receive personally identifiable information from our business partners. When you register with Pesabazaar.com, we ask for your first name, last name, state, city, email, birth date, and gender. Once you register with Pesabazaar.com and sign in to our services, you are not anonymous to us. Also during registration, you may be requested to register your mobile phone and email id, pager, or other device to receive text messages, notifications, and other services to your wireless device. By registration you authorize us to send sms/email alerts to you for your login details and any other service requirements or some advertising messages/emails from us.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

Pesabazaar.com will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone other than as specifically noted herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Pesabazaar.com may share, sell and/or transfer your personally identifiable information to an affiliate and/or associate partner. Pesabazaar.com may also share, sell, and/or transfer your personally identifiable information to any successor-in-interest as a result of a sale of any part of Pesabazaar.com’s business or upon the merger, reorganization or consolidation of Pesabazaar.com with another entity on a basis that Pesabazaar.com is not the surviving entity. For the purposes of this paragraph, “affiliate” means any person directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with Pesabazaar.com. The term “control,” as used in the immediately preceding sentence, shall mean with respect to any person, the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power, through the exercise of voting rights, contractual rights or otherwise, to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of the controlled person. As used in this Privacy Policy, the term “person” includes any natural person, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, unincorporated association or any other entity.

Third Party Advertising

We may use third-party advertising companies and/or ad agencies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use information (excluding your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements on this site and other sites about goods and services that may be of interest to you. “We use third-party service providers to serve ads on our behalf across the Internet and sometimes on this site. They may collect anonymous information about your visits to our website, and your interaction with our products and services. They may also use information about your visits to this and other websites to target advertisements for goods and services. This anonymous information is collected through the use of a pixel tag, which is industry standard technology used by most major websites. No personally identifiable information is collected or used in this process. They do not know the name, phone number, address, email address, or any personally identifying information about the user.”


We strictly follow the norms of non-disclosure agreement. It is our endeavour to ensure that the websites linked to us are safe and secure. However we have no control over 3rd party websites. Given our legal responsibilities to legal authorities and regulators, there may be situations when we need to share your information with legal authorities or processes or need to protect our right or comply by terms and conditions.

Other sites

There might be affiliates or other sites linked to our web site. Personal information that you provide to those sites are not our property. The affiliated sites may have different privacy practices and we encourage you to read their privacy policies. These sites may place their cookies or other files on your computer, collect data or solicit personal information.

Privacy Policy Changes

Pesabazaar.com may amend this policy from time to time, at our discretion. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information we will notify you by posting the changes here on these Privacy Policy pages.


Pesabazaar.com intends to provide clear information about insurance products and services. The information and data are generic in nature. Our efforts are to offer accurate and responsible data. We are not responsible for any sort of discrepancies There is no purpose of violating any copyright or intellectual copyrights issue. All information provided on the portal Pesabazaar.com is subject to the discretion of the same and is likely to change without any notice. Though, any changes in public utility will be communicated immediately in our portal. We have tried to maintain high standards in quality, clarity and accuracy of the material posted on the portal. Pesabazaar.com is not legally responsible for the same in any matter what so ever. Employees, partners and associated staff of Pesabazaar.com are not accountable for any loss, harm or damage occurring due to usage of information from the portal. Customers are advised to use their own discretion in such matters. It is important to understand that insurance is a subject matter of solicitation and market risks. It is the responsibility of the customer to understand the limitations of insurance policies and the risks involved, we take no liability in such cases. Read the subject documents carefully. The information provided on the portal is of financial, insurance and legal purposes. It is a mutual understanding that customers association with the portal will be at the customer’s preference and risk. Not-withstanding anything mentioned before, we reserve the right to contact you via any mechanisms, not limited to email, sms, or phone calls, to solicit feedback of your experience and to provide any additional services that you would be eligible for, either as a customer or as a visitor. We should not be held liable for any damages occurring to you as part of feedback solicitation and additional service provision.

“We use cookies and other technologies such as pixel tags and clear gifs to store certain types of information each time you visit any page on our website. Cookies enable this website to recognize the information you have consented to give to this website and help us determine what portions of this website are most appropriate for your professional needs. We may also use cookies to serve advertising banners to you. These banners may be served by us or by a third party on our behalf. These cookies will not contain any personal information.”

“Whether you want your web browser to accept cookies or not is up to you. If you haven’t changed your computer’s settings, most likely your browser already accepts cookies. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience all features of the website. You can also delete your browser cookies of disable them entirely. But this may significantly impact your experience with our website and may make parts of our website non functional or inaccessible. We recommend that you leave them turned on.”

Visitors to this website/portal and every third party is hereby informed that the owners of this website/portal, viz., are not the agents or intermediaries of the insurers, whose products are dealt with in this website/portal. They are also not the sub-agents or sub-intermediaries of the agents and intermediaries of the respective insurers. Though endeavour is made to make correct policy/product comparisons, quotes, features, etc., based on the information provided by the insurers or its agents or intermediaries, it is made abundantly clear that Pesabazaar.com or its directors, shareholders, officers and employees and Pesabazaar.com are in no way responsible to or liable for anyone for his/her investment decision, and every prospect/ investor/policyholder shall be solely responsible for the consequences of his/her decision.

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