Travel Insurance

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  • Africa, Europe, USA and more options
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Can I buy this travel insurance online?

Yes, you can compare and buy your travel insurance online and it will get issued right away during business hours. No need for paper, forms and queuing up.

What is needed in order to compute a quote?

Duration of travel in number of days, Age of applicant : older applicants may be charged higher rates, this will normally apply from 60 years and older. Country or countries destination : worldwide cover is more expensive than single country cover. You may also be charged higher rates for travel to countries or regions deemed to be of high security risk. Purpose of travel : travel insurance for hazardous activities like winter sports will be charged at higher rates. Scope and limits of travel insurance : higher insurance limits for benefits like emergency medical expenses are charged higher.

Do I need travel insurance?

If you are applying for a visa to travel to foreign countries, you may need a travel insurance as a requirement for your visa application. Check your visa requirements carefully to know what type of travel insurance you will need.

What is outbound and inbound travel insurance?

In bound travel insurance is for travellers whose destination is Kenya e.g. foreign tourists, business people, etc. Outbound travel insurance is for Kenyan nationals and residents departing for travel from Kenya.

How soon will I get my travel insurance issued?

After full payment and submission of a copy of your PIN certificate and passport, your policy will usually be issued in less than 30 minutes in soft/digital copy. It will be a signed and stamped document that is admissable for visa application requirements.

Can I get a discount?

Absolutely, discounted are applicable for group travel insurance packages and also student packages.

What you need to know

What is covered on an international travel insurance policy issued in Kenya?

Among the most commonly covered risks in travel insurance covers for emergency medical expenses overseas, repatriation in case of death, terrorism and hijack, travel delay and cancellation, baggage delay or loss, loss of passport/ID and a number of public liabilities while in the destination country.

Emergency medical expenses

In the case of a medical necessity, the travel insurance company will compensate you in the form of a reimbursement you up to the paramount amount shown schedule benefit and service as shown on the schedule subject to the deductible, if as a result to bodily injury or sickness while on your trip. Necessary covered medical expenses (covered medical expenses are necessary medical assistance and necessities commended by the ministering physician and include the services of a legally qualified physician, charges of ward confinement and use of hospital rooms, cost of anaesthetics including execution, x-ray exams or treatment and lab tests, ambulance services, drugs, medicine, prosthetics and remedial applicability and supplies, emergency dental and/or optical medication for the relief of pain.

Death & repatriation

In case of death during the insured trip or journey, the insurance company will pay tentative to the ceiling shown in the schedule; pay a justifiable figure in regard to funeral, burial or cremation costs in the country where the death has happened or the acceptable amount of returning your body/ashes to your country of usual residence. For some of the cheap travel insurance packages available on the market, this limit might be so small that it does not make sense to the insured.

What you need to know

Travel Insurance in Kenya

Travel insurance is one of the most popular products in Kenya driven being one of the mandatory requirements before applying for a visa at most foreign embassies and consulates in Kenya.

Most of the local insurance companies are partnered with international insurance countries to provide travel insurance in Kenya to citizens and foreign residents, this is to increase their reach worldwide and be able to provide assistance to clients worldwide. Among the most international partnerships are MAPFRE, ASSISTENCIA, AXA and several others. While most travelers buy a standalone travel insurance cover, some medical insurance plans have an inbuilt travel insurance e.g. BUPA, AETNA. Before purchasing travel insurance, it is important to check with the embassy/consulate you are applying to, to confirm the accepted insurance companies and the scope of the travel insurance cover that is required. Here is an example of a guideline from one of the European consulates on their travel insurance requirements

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